Dear Dr. Aaron,
It finally happened! I pulled my back. My wife keeps telling me it is impossible to “pull ones back” however, Its my back and I am pretty sure its pulled. After a long-civilized discussion, we compromised, and I am doing as she demanded, looking for a “quackropractor.” I read your posts and it seems like you are a no-nonsense kind of guy. I will call today for an appointment, but in the meantime what can I do for immediate relief? My wife also thought it was important to tell you how I injured myself. It was early morning and I was trying to put my pants on. Her fancy pillows were covering the chair so I had to perform acrobatics when my toe caught the waistband, causing me to fall flat on my back. I think I was still fine until I jumped up too quickly… my wife claims she may have injured herself laughing.
Thank you,
Bruised Ego in Brumley
Dear Bruised,
You seem to have found a way to keep your wife smiling! Those pesky pants will get you every time. Quackropractor? We will discuss your interesting choice of nickname in person. Call and we will get you in right away. It does help knowing the mechanism of injury. Immediate relief is best prescribed after an initial visit and evaluation. Ice on affected areas will help with swelling.
Always here to help,
P.S. I do agree, fancy pillows are over rated…
