One of our friends makes cinnamon rolls, not ordinary cinnamon rolls, but extra special super delicious cinnamon rolls. I was just getting out of the shower and I heard familiar noises coming from the kitchen. It didn’t take long for me to recognize the sound and smell of warm cinnamon rolls being prepared. I rushed through my morning routine and practically sprinted down the hall to see my beautiful wife stuffing the last delicious bite of buttery cinnamon heaven in her mouth. I looked around and saw the empty tray….. I felt so cheated, defeated and sad! How did she find it? I thought my hiding places were fool proof! She is crafty, sneaky, and just plain mean! I hid it fair and square…… Where do you hide your secret goodies? How can I even begin to forgive her? She said it was the price I had to pay for hiding it from her…. Dr. Aaron Please Help!
Without Sweets in Osage Beach
Dear Without,
Hiding treats from your spouse never has a good ending! Clearly you knew this before your dastardly deed! Talk to her, ask her to request another pan of cinnamon rolls, bring them to me, I shall sample them for taste and keep 1 safe for you!
Always here for you,
Dr Aaron
PS. My mom makes the best cinnamon rolls ever!
