Some people refer to us as a blended family, my husband is an Eagles fan and I love real football so I am a CHIEFS fan. With the big game ahead he has been really giving me grief about my life choices (Chiefs Jerseys) so the only thing a girl can do when feeling attacked is go on the offensive (might be a Jalen Hurts quote) I am looking for ideas to get even without physically hurting him. Your audience seems so authentic, I know they are Chiefs fans!
Please Help!
Thank you,
Married to an Eaglet
Dear Eaglet wife,
It seems like he must have kept his poor choice of teams a secret prior to marriage? I am glad you are sticking up for yourself!! We are Chiefs fans and don’t discriminate against those who have not matured to our level yet. Be patient! But I LOOK FORWARD TO READING SUGGESTIONS FROM OUR READERS….
Always here for you,
Dr. Aaron