I took my grand kids to a concert at the Ozarks Amphitheater last night. The artist was Walker Hayes, I thought we were going to see Walker- Texas Ranger, (they are not the same person). I didn’t know many of the songs but near the end of the show he played that Applebee's on a date night song- something I knew!!! I danced like I was 12 years old, it was so much fun!! When I got home the realization set in, I am not 12 years old anymore. Can I get a Saturday appointment? A few too many Oreo shakes and extra whipped cream has me feeling like 112!
Dancing Grandpa in Osage Beach
Dear dancing Gramps,
Memories like that last forever, the aches and pains don’t have to. Call today we will figure something out. I could use a good date night at Applebee's. Remember to stay hydrated and stretch gently until we can get you fixed up!
Always here for you,
Dr. Aaron
P.S. Do they still have Oreo shakes?
